Episode 58: Esther West on The Promise and Potential of Worker Cooperatives


Esther West is the Cooperative Development Specialist at University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives & Board Vice President of the US Federation of Worker Cooperatives.

From https://uwcc.wisc.edu/staff/west-esther/ : Esther West brings a long-time passion for worker co-ops and community development in her role as Cooperative Development Specialist since joining the University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives in 2018. Esther researches ecosystems that support the creation of new co-ops, Latinx cooperatives, and conducts market and food accessibility analysis. Bringing five years of first-hand worker ownership experience from Equal Exchange, Esther provides technical assistance to home care cooperatives and supporting transitions to employee ownership.

Additionally, she has been Co-Facilitator for the Eastern Coordinating Committee for the Eastern Conference for Workplace Democracy, a Trainer with Green Worker Co-ops in the Bronx, Equal Exchange’s Education Committee Co-Chair, and worked on issues related to immigration, racial equity, and sustainability. She obtained a Masters of Urban Planning, Design and Development, a Masters of Environmental Studies, and a GIS Masters Certificate from Cleveland State University. She also holds a Bachelor’s in Theology with minors in Political Science and History from Xavier University.

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Episode #58 Notes

1:00 - Esther West, open mic on Latinx coop growth in the US.

Books and Resources

LatinX Coop Power in the US, UW Center for Coops

Collective Courage, Jessica Gordon Nembhard

Democracy at Work Institute

Sustainable Economies Law Center


Episode 59: Grocery Update- Cultivated Meat, the Wage Shortage and Retail Automation


Episode 57: Professor Gabriel Rosenberg