Food. Justice. Work.
The Checkout centers the voices and efforts of essential workers on the frontlines of our food system. Now more than ever, our food system is in a constant state of flux, radical change and crisis. From political economy and supply chain analysis to public policy, labor organizing and community struggles, The Checkout will expand the horizon of what is necessary to create a just, equitable and progressive food system.
The Checkout is a proud member of the Labor Radio Podcast Network.

Episode 184: Nasser Abufarha and Canaan Fair Trade
The Checkout speaks with award-winning olive oil producer and fair trader Nasser Abufarha about war, regenerative organic agriculture and the deep foodways of Palestine.

Episode 182: The Regenerative Organic Certification
The Checkout speaks with Elizabeth Whitlow, Executive Director of the Regenerative Organic Alliance.

Episode 168: Matriark Foods Is Reinventing Food Processing
The Checkout speaks with Anna Hammond of Matriark Foods about food processing, food waste and why packaged food brands need to invest in sustainable, regionalized supply chains.

Episode 167: Common Ground
The Checkout speaks with Rebecca and Josh Tickell about their groundbreaking new film, Common Ground.