Episode 27: Andres Bernal Talks Money


Andres Bernal, a former advisor to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, joins us for a wide ranging discussion on worker cooperatives, Modern Monetary Theory, myth busting the Federal deficit, the need for a Jobs Guarantee and how to fund a Green New Deal.

From https://www.andres-bernal.com/about : Andrés Bernal is a Lecturer of Urban Studies at CUNY Queens College and Doctoral student at The New School For Public Engagement, Division of Policy Management and Environment. His research focuses on the Green New Deal as a site of political communication and policy analysis. Andrés is a leading voice and proponent associated with the heterodox school of economic thought known as Modern Monetary Theory. He is a Research Fellow at the Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperityand a Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Missouri Kansas City Department of Economics. In the Summer of 2017, Andrés began supporting the Congressional campaign of former colleague Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as a policy advisor and organizer. His work facilitated the incorporation of the Federal Jobs Guarantee policy onto the official campaign platform.

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Episode #27 Notes

1:00 - What’s your academic area of focus and what led you to it?

3:30 - Tell us about your work at Mondragon.

9:15 - On the New York City system of cooperatives.

13:15 - How are transitions to business cooperatives financed?

14:45 - Public finance and modern monetary theory.

29:00 - The difference between market based capitalism vs. modern monetary theory.

41:45 - On free trade and recent trade agreements.

49:45 - Food sovereignty and modern monetary theory.

52:10 - Modern monetary theory, socialist economics and the differences with Marxism.

1:05:45 - Modern monetary theory in practice in the real world.

1:08:00 - Modern monetary theory and food insecurity in the US.

1:10:00 - How can we expand worker ownership under MMT? Coops and ESOPs.

1:14:00 - Suggested readings?

The Deficit Myth, Stephanie Kelton

The Case for a Job Guarantee, Pavlina Tcherneva

Declarations of Dependence, Scott Ferguson

Winning The Green New Deal, Guido Girgenti and Varshini Prakash

A Planet to Win, Thea Riofrancos and Kate Aronoff


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